Join Indian Social Media Site FameNest To Grow Your Business With These 15 Features

Hello and welcome to Ajanabha! In this article, you are going to know about an Indian social media site FameNest that has awesome features to grow your social network and promote your business. This site has powerful tools to advertise your business, make friends online, increase followers and share your thoughts with the world.

The importance of social media

Social media sites are the most powerful medium to connect with the world. You can easily become successful and popular if you use the power of social media sites. Many businesses and artists like singers, painters, musicians, etc use the power of social community sites to showcase their talent and gain attention from people. Even Brands and companies have started understanding the importance of social media marketing. As a result, nowadays you see more advertising on various social media platforms.

The importance of social media in business is unlimited and once you learn how to promote on social media, you are going to skyrocket your brand awareness and revenue.

Best social media marketing strategy

Here are some bonus tips to get fast results on social media platform.

  • Show your identity:- People love a brand or person whom they know. A profile with real photo and logo is highly recommended.
  • Be Regular :- To gain visibility in social media platforms you need to post regularly or schedule your posts to be published on time.
  • Engage with people:- You should engage in trending topics to get more people notice you.
  • Help people:- If you help the community you get back more followers and customers.
  • Don’t spam:- Everyone hate spam so go slowly and you will get real results that last long.

Social community sites or social media sites play an important role in our life. They help us connect with like-minded people and grow our popularity, business, and services. FameNest is a site that provides you many features that can change your life.

Apart from this, you can also earn money online from this site. Yes, this site has an affiliate system. When you join this site, this site provides you an affiliate link that you can share with your friends and social sites. Whenever someone joins FameNest through your affiliate link, you get an income. The site also has an advertisement option that allows you to promote your services and attract more consumers.

Join FameNest ! An Indian Social Media Site to grow your Indian social network and business. Here are some useful features of this site that makes it better than other social networking sites.

FameNest – Indian Social Media Site Features

  • Share your thought:- You can share photos, videos, and audio on your wall and with your friends.
  • Pages:- You can create unlimited pages and invite your friends to like your pages.
  • Groups:- User can create unlimited groups and invite/add his friends to his joined groups.
  • Social Video Sharing:- You can share videos from all videos sharing sites like Youtube, Dailymotion, Vine, Vimeo, Facebook videos & Soundcloud music.
  • Photo Album:- You can create any number of photo albums with beautiful-looking style.
  • Cover Picture and Profile Picture:- You can set dynamic cover and profile pictures.
  • Privacy Control:- Control your profile privacy and decide who can message you, post on your timeline, follow you, confirm follow requests or not, last seen, etc.
  • User Profile Info:- Displays user’s profile information (birthday, website, gender, social media, about, last seen, etc).
  • Notifications: Receive notifications from other users for likes, dislikes, comments, shares, etc.
  • #Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics hashtags shared by other users.
  • @Mentions: Use @username to tag other users in a status or messages.
  • Post Publisher: Status, Sound cloud, YouTube, Vine, Google Maps, Videos, Files, Photos, and emoticons.
  • Delete & Edit Posts: The user can delete and edit his own posts.
  • Save Posts: The user can save posts to view them later.
  • User Events: User can share their events like feelings/travailing/watching/playing/listening.
  • Recent Search: Whatever the user was looking for, all will be saved into recent searches with the ability to clear them.
  • Post Privacy: User can choose the privacy of their posts (Only me, Everyone.. etc)
  • Likes: Like or unlike a post. View a list of people who like this.
  • Dislike: Dislike a post. View the list of people who dislike this.
  • Comments & Replies: Comment on a post, reply to a comment, View all post comments.
  • Search: Search for people, #Hashtags with our filtered search system.
  • Reports: Report posts to be checked by administrators.
  • Live Chat: Real-time live chat system, (online, offline) status.
  • Messages: Send and receive private messages & share files from other Users.
  • Activities: Displays user’s latest activities (likes, shares, comments, wonders)
  • Multi-Languages: Famenest is a multi-language site available in Hindi, Arabic, English, Russian, and Turkish.
  • Verified Profiles/Pages:- You can get verified badges for your profile and pages to gain trust in the community.
  • Fully responsive for all devices, browsers.
  • Password recovery:- You can recover the lost passwords by email.
  • Emoticons:- Show your love and feelings using emoticons.
  • RTL Support: Famenest also supports the right to left languages like Urdu and Arabic.
  • Google Login:- You can log in with your Google account.

How To Make Money Online From FameNest

This is the first Indian social media site that offers you affiliate income, with FameNest you can earn money through affiliate links. Here you can create your affiliate link and share it on your social site and with friends. This site pays $ 1 per 10 registrations. The minimum payout is 10 dollars so if you work for 2-3 hours daily you can easily earn around 300-500 Indian rupees per day and if you work full time you can earn more than that.

There are many features on Femenest that are very useful for you. On this site, you can create your blog for free, post offers, and sell your home’s antiques in the marketplace. Isn’t this a wonderful site?


In this article, we have provided information about the Indian social media site famenest. We hope this will help you get more customers and grow your business. If you have any questions, please ask us in the comment and we will be happy to help you.

Also Read:- How To Start A Blog In 2021 To Make Money Online From Home?

Sharing is caring!

Aniket Sinha is a Singer, Musician, and Blogger. He is the founder of and

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