Top Social Media Apps to Promote Your Business for Free In 2021

In this article, you will know about the top social media apps that can help you promote your business for free and get more customers to buy your product.

Social media is a well-known platform nowadays where you can connect with the outside world very easily and conveniently. In today’s digital world, social media plays a very important role in every aspect. The same can be applied in the terms of Business.

Starting a business is a milestone, but it also requires a very important step and that is promotion. Without promotion, the business may not reach the heights you have dreamed it to take at. Promotion is an essential part of the business where you can spread your products or ideas outside the boundaries resulting in it being recognized by a larger audience and possibly future investors and partners.

There are many efficient ways to promote your business, like television advertisements, flyers, posters, and billboards. But these methods can only promote within a certain boundary and they may not reach a bigger audience. There you require a much more efficient way to promote your product and business, and you can find just the right platform that is popularly and commonly known as Social Media.

Who is not familiar with social media nowadays? Social Media is a well-known computer-based online platform that functions through the internet where all the users can connect with the outside world. This platform provides its user’s freedom to share their moments, pictures, and ideas with everyone they wish to share with. The same goes for businesses and start-ups.

If someone has an established business then they will know how important and how big a role social media plays in promoting and upgrading their business no matter what field it is. For upcoming start-ups and businesses, this can be a helping hand in their promotion and marketing.

The best part about trusting social media for your business is that it will only increase your following amongst the users if the business is active and trustworthy. So, in this article, we would let you know the best social media apps where you can promote your business for a lesser cost or mostly free of cost.

Indian Social Media Apps

  • Hike Messenger: A messenger app made in India is a convenient way of promoting your business
  • Daily Hunt: A news updating platform where you can promote your business and stay updated about the current news as well
  • Mitron: Another messaging app like WhatsApp where you connect with a wider audience.
  • Roposo: A well-created Indian replacement of the infamous TikTok app where you can create videos and share them with other users. Another efficient way of promotion and marketing.
  • Famenest: Famenest is an Indian social media app that was launched in 2020 to provide a complete social media solutions to it’s users. Here is a list of what you can do with famenest.
Famenest Features
  • Article submission.
  • Online chat.
  • Photo, audio and video sharing.
  • Advertise your business for free.
  • Promote your business, services and products.
  • Create page, group and events.
  • Free job posting.
  • Buy and sell marketplace.
  • Find nearby friends.
  • Create offers and deals.

It’s time to join Social Media Site Famenest and create your profile. If you are a smartphone user, install Famenest Social Media App and start promoting your business for free. You can read this detailed article on how to grow your social network and how to promote your business for free.

Other Social Media Apps

In today’s world, there are endless worldwide platforms to promote your business, so we have selected the best ones for you.


Who is not familiar with Facebook nowadays. A social media site where you can connect with endless people, be it your family, friends, or anyone you would like to connect with. Through this site, you can share pictures, videos, and any moments you like to share.

In business aspects, this site is one of the most effective sites for promotion purposes. 

Here are few steps how you promote using simple steps:

  • This platform has a Create Page option where you can sign up with your brand name.
  • Take help from other pages. If they have more followers, try to promote through a picture or video. But be very careful and make sure that the place you are sharing is somehow similar to your business or comes in the same category.
  • Avoid spamming, spamming can result in banning and ending the promotion process altogether.
  • Make sure to keep updating your page with new events, deals, and offers so that it can entertain the audience causing it to gain more followers.

In Facebook, however, there is an obvious option of having advanced ways to upgrade your promotion techniques by choosing premium options which will cost you money. But if you do not want to spend money as of yet, it is still effective.

Facebook Messenger

Communication is the key to all. As the name suggests, this may sound like a common messenger acquired by Facebook but actually, this particular messenger application has a platform of its own where you can connect with people and share your business ideas, and promoting your products.


Just like Facebook, Twitter is equally leading as one the most popular social media site. In fact, according to some sources, Twitter is better in aspects of its wide range and audience. Many public figures are opting for Twitter instead of Facebook for their promotion and following.

On this site, you do not specifically require to make a page or an individual following platform. You can simply sign up with your business name and begin your journey of finding your followers and expanding your business through promotion.

One of the tactics commonly used by other businesses is exclusive deals. This is a common technique where a business provides exclusive deals and discounts to their clients and customers if they opted to use their service through twitter’s platform. Everyone loved a good offer and deal so using techniques like that can be really helpful in promoting your business.


Instagram is a platform for an enormous amount of public figures and influencers. It is another one of the most efficient ways to promote your business. Instagram is an entirely different platform yet similarly helpful in promoting your business and products.

On this particular website, you can create an account and sign up for business and you will be all set to go. However, what steps do you really need to follow for good promotion:

  • First, what you really need to do for promoting your business on this particular site is get a really good photographer. Yes, this is what you need because Instagram is a completely media-based platform where you can not post your content without a picture or a video.
  • Be creative with what you post. Creativity attracts many audiences to check on what the business or product is all about.
  • Advertisements play a huge role in promoting business so you need to be very active in that aspect. If you managed to impress the audience with help of ads then nothing will be able to stop your business from reaching heights.

Still, even if in the back of your mind you have intentions to invest, then the most efficient way will be approaching the influencers on Instagram with a decent fan following. At an affordable cost, you can hire them to promote your products helping them reach a larger audience. If the product or scheme is genuine then you will be receiving demands in no time.


Unbelievable but true, the Snapchat app is picture sharing application where users communicate through clicking pictures and short videos. How can you promote your business on such a platform?

  • Create Vlogs: Vlogs are a series of videos created by an individual sharing their experience about something. Be it a location, product, service, etc.
  • Update about events, offers, and deals on your products or services and new products.
  • Create themes about your products or services. According to season, festival, holidays, etc. Themes always seem to excite the consumers and it also helps in connecting with the brand.
  • Just like Instagram, in Snapchat well you might need a helping hand once again from an influencer with a big or decent amount of followers and fan base.
  • You can also share some candid photographs or videos of your staff working hard or using the product on themselves.
  • Collect and post review videos of your starting customers. A review gives future customers a thorough go-through of the products and service.


This video-sharing platform can be a huge lift up for your business if used right methods. Here are some tips on how youtube can be used efficiently for promoting business almost free of cost.

  • Create a channel about your brand or business. Add your business description, profile picture, and header.
  • Make high-quality videos. The videos need to be high in quality to catch the attention of the audience eye. Nobody likes watching low-quality and faded videos. The color combination, contrast, background, etc all need to be taken care of properly.
  • Keywords are very important if you are promoting on youtube. Keywords related to your business, product, brand, brand names, inspiration, season, etc. Anything the video has included or implying.
  • Keep the titles of your videos short and simple that will be easy to search for anyone looking for similar product information as yours. Don’t complicate titles in order to give them more details. Titles are that one thing on youtube that needs to mainstream and not too fanciful. 

Important Note

All of the above-mentioned websites hold one similarity that is a huge helping hand in promoting or spreading anything to reach more and more consumers. And that similarity is known as Hashtag “#”. A hashtag is an extremely important feature if you want to promote a specific product or service to a wide range of viewers.

It is a type of label that you must include while publishing any information about your product and service be it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or youtube. It helps the viewers to easily find about any topic they wish to search. A hashtag makes promoting so much convenient for the business and browsing for the users.

Adding a popular hashtag that also implies your business helps the information to reach even that group of users who still hasn’t followed your social media handles. It gives them a path to your product or service information which can result in gaining more followers and customers.


We hope these ideas would be helpful in promoting your business and that too almost free of cost. Promotion is a very important part of any business or start-up and with these techniques, marketing will be more convenient and helpful. 

Sharing is caring!

Aniket Sinha is an internet entrepreneur. He is the founder of Ajanabha and Famenest Social Media Site.

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